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Sunday, December 9, 2012

What is Data Driven Testing technology in IBM Rational Functional Tester?

- DATA DRIVEN TESTING or DDT involves testing the software systems or applications using a number of sets of input data and output data stored in a data table.
- The testing process is carried out in an environment where the controls as well as the settings are not hard coded i.e., where the controls and settings are modifiable.
- The input data values from the rows and columns of the table are supplied to the program by the tester and the output obtained is compared with the expected output of the corresponding row and column.
- The values stored in the table are related to the partition input spaces and boundary.
- However, when the control methodology is applied, the configuration for the test is read from the data base.
- Today several methodologies have been developed for implementing the data driven testing.
- All such methodologies are known to co – exist since there is a difference in the effort they demand for the creation and subsequent maintenance.
- The main advantage of applying data driven testing is the ease with which the inputs can be added to the data table on the discovery of new partitions and there addition to the system under test or product.
- Another thing about the data driven testing is that it costs more to implement it manually rather than automated implementation which is comparatively cheaper.
- Data driven testing involves creation of the test scripts together with the related data sets present in the frame work.
- The re – usable test logic is obtained from this frame work only and is used for the reduction of the maintenance and improvement of the test coverage.
- The input as well as the result is stored in either one or more than one central data sources which we commonly called as data bases though the organization of the data and actual data depends up on the implementation.
- The data that is used for driving the tests consists of both the input values and the expected output values or the verified output values.
- The data is got via a sniffer (or a purpose – built custom tool) from a running system.
- The data driven testing then performs a play back of the harvested data thus acting as a powerful automated tool for regression testing.
- The following things are coded in the test script:
1. Navigation through the application
2. Reading data sources
3. Logging test status
4. Information

- Any variability which has a potential to make a change is taken out from the test logic or the scripts and move to the set of external assets.
- Such set is called a test data set or a configuration.
- Data driven testing is one of the key technologies that is implemented by the IBM’s rational functional tester.
- The hard coded scripts have got a few limitations.
- Whenever a test script is recorded using some literal values, the data gets hard coded in that script.
- This script then can be executed only with one test case or with one set of valid inputs.
- Also, such scripts are difficult to be put in to reuse and maintenance is cumbersome.
- The rational functional tester separates the data from the script so that it can be modified without having any effect on the test scripts and new test cases can be added through the modification of the data rather than modifying the test script.
- Three scenarios have been defined for the implementation of the data driven testing in the rational functional tester:
1. Creation of a data pool while the recording of a data driven script is n progress within the functional tester. Modification of the data pool:
2. Importing a data pool that was created externally in to functional tester and associating it with a test script.
3. Creation of data pool while the recording of a script is going on within functional tester. Exporting the data pool and editing it externally. Importing this data pool for driving a test script.

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