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Thursday, July 8, 2010

What are different terminologies used in LoadRunner ?

Application performance testing requirements are divided into scenarios using LoadRunner.
- A scenario defines the events that occur during each testing sessions.
- A scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions that they perform, and the machines on which they run their emulations.

LoadRunner works by creating virtual users who take the place of real users operating client software. LoadRunner works by creating virtual users who take the place of real users operating client software. Vusers emulate the actions of human users working with your application. A scenario can contain tens, hundreds, or even thousands of

Vusers Scripts
The actions that a Vuser performs during the scenario are described in a
Vuser script. When you run a scenario, each Vuser executes a Vuser script. Vuser scripts include functions that measure and record the performance of the server during the scenario.

Transactions are defined to measure the performance of the server. Transactions measure the time that it takes for the server to respond to tasks submitted by Vusers.

Rendezvous Points
Rendezvous points are inserted into Vuser scripts to emulate heavy user load on the server. Rendezvous points instruct multiple Vusers to perform tasks at exactly the same time.

LoadRunner Controller is used to manage and maintain your scenarios. Using the Controller, you control all the Vusers in a scenario from a single workstation.

The LoadRunner Controller distributes each Vuser in the scenario to a host when the scenario is executed. The host is the machine that executes the Vuser script, enabling the Vuser to emulate the actions of a human user.

Performance Analysis
Vuser scripts include functions that measure and record system performance during load-testing sessions. During a scenario run, you can monitor the network and server resources. Following a scenario run, you can view performance analysis data in reports and graphs.

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