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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Test Script Languages (TSL)

Test Script Language(TSL) is a scripting language with syntax similar to C language. TSL is the script language used by WinRunner for recording and executing scripts.

Features Of TSL :
- The TSL language is very compact containing only a small number of operators and keywords.
- TSL is a script language and as such, does not have many of the complex syntax
structures you may find in programming languages.
- On the other hand, TSL as a script language has considerably less features and capabilities than a programming language.
- Comments : Allows users to enter human readable information in the test script that will be ignored by the interpreter.
- Naming Rules : Rules for identifiers within TSL.
- Data Types : The different types of data values that are supported by the language.
- Data Storage : Constructs that can be used to store information.
- Operations : Different type of computational operations.
- Branching : Avoids executing certain portions of the code unless a condition is met.
- Loops : Repeats execution of a certain section of code.
- Functions : Group of statements used to perform some useful functionality.

There are four categories of TSL functions. Each category of functions is for performing specific tasks. These categories are as follows:
- Analog Functions
These functions are used when you record in Analog mode, a mode in which the exact coordinates of the GUI map are required. When you record in Analog mode, these functions are used to depict mouse clicks, keyboard input, and the exact coordinates traveled by the mouse. The various analog functions available are Bitmap Checkpoint Functions, Input Device Functions, Synchronization functions, Table Functions, Text Checkpoint Functions.
- Context Sensitive Functions
These functions are used where the exact coordinates are not required. In Context Sensitive mode, each time you record an operation on the application under test (AUT), a TSL statement is generated in the test script which describes the object selected and the action performed.
- Customization Functions
These functions allow the user to improve the testing tool by adding functions to the Function Generator. The various customization functions are custom record functions,
custom user interface functions, function generator functions and GUI checkpoint functions. Different context-sensitive functions are Active Bar Functions, ActiveX/Visual Basic Functions, Bitmap Checkpoint Functions, Button Object Functions
Calendar Functions,Database Functions, Data – driven test Functions,GUI related Functions etc.
- Standard Functions
These functions include all the basic elements of programming language like control flow statements, mathematical functions, string related functions etc. The various standard functions are arithmetic functions, array functions, call statements, compiled module functions, I/O functions, load testing functions, operating system functions, etc.

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