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Friday, January 14, 2011

Cleanroom Software Engineering - Advantages, Principles and Process Teams

Cleanroom software engineering involves the integrated use of software engineering modeling, program verification and statistical software quality assurance.
- Cleanroom software engineering verifies design specification using mathematically-based proof of correctness.
- Cleanroom software engineering relies heavily on statistical use testing to uncover high impact errors.
- Cleanroom software engineering generally follows an incremental development process.


- Small Teams include independent specification, development, and certification sub-teams.
- Incremental development under statistical quality control.
- Software development is based on mathematical principles. The box principle is used for specification and design. The formal verification is used to confirm correctness of implementation of specification. The program correctness is verified by team reviews using questionnaires.
- Testing is based on statistical principles.


- Specification team develops and maintains the system specification.
- Development team develops and verifies software. The software is not compiled or executes during verification.
- Certification team develops set of statistical test to exercise software after development. Reliability growth models are used to assess reliability.


- Zero failures in the field which is a goal but a realistic expectation is<5 failures per KLOC on first program execution in the first team project.
- Short development cycles
- Longer product life.

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