Monday, April 30, 2012
How does penetration testing tool emphasize on network security?
Posted by
4/30/2012 11:24:00 PM
Labels: Active, Analysis, Application, Attackers, Authorization, Emphasize, Errors, Functionality, Methodology, Network, Network Security, Penetration testing, Reasons, Requirements, Security, Software testing, Tools
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What are basic practices of iterative development?
- Rational
unified process or RUP
- Extreme
programming or XP and
- Various
other agile software development methods
What is meant by Iterative Development?
- The
Initialization step
- The
iteration step and
- Project
control list
- Simplicity
- Straight
- Modular
- Redesigning
supportive at that particular stage etc.
- Structure
of the iteration
- Modularity
- Usability
- Reliability
- Achievement
of goals and
- Efficiency
Phases of Iterative Development
- Inception
phase: It involves identification of the project scope, risks and both the
functional as well the non functional requirements.
- Elaboration
phase: It involves the delivery of a working architecture fulfilling all the
requirements and mitigation of the top risks.
- Construction
phase: It involves implementing the production ready code in to the
- Transition
phase: It involves delivery of the project in to the production environment.
Posted by
4/30/2012 02:58:00 PM
Labels: Agile Software Development, Analyze, Approaches, Defects, Developers, Development, Errors, Interaction, Iteration, Iterative Planning, Phases, Practices, Procedure, Requirements, Software testing, Strategy, Testers
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
What is meant by penetration testing?
About Penetration Testing
Steps in Penetration Testing
Advantages of Penetration Testing
- It is
effective for the determination of the feasibility of the similar vectors
of attack.
- Helps
in the identification of the vulnerabilities which possess a very high
risk when the exploitation of a combination of low level risks is done
following a particular sequence.
- Proves
quite effective in the determination of the vulnerabilities that cannot be
detected with the help of application vulnerability scanning software or
automated testing processes.
- Assists
in the assessment of the measure of the operational and business impacts
of the attacks on the computer network or system.
- Successfully
tests the effectiveness of the network defenders in detecting and
responding to the attacks.
- Provides
the evidences in support of the investments that need to be made in the
security field of the computer system or network.
Penetration testing if carried through white box testing
Posted by
4/29/2012 03:30:00 PM
Labels: Advantages, Application, attacks, Audit, Authorization, Black box testing, Code, Components, Methodology, Network, Penetration testing, Security, Software System, Steps, Techniques, Testers, Tools, White box testing
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
What is meant by production verification testing?
- Business process flows
- Proper functioning of the data entry functions
- Proper running of any batch processes against the
actual data values of the production process.
About Production Verification Testing
Entry and Exit Criterion for Production Verification Testing
- The completion of the User acceptance testing is
over and has been approved by all the involved parties.
- The documentation of the known defects is ready.
- The documentation of the migration package has
been completed, reviewed and approved by all the parties and without fail
by the production systems manager.
- The processing of the migration package is
- The installation testing has been performed and
its documentation is ready and signed off.
- The documentation of the mock testing has been
approved and reviewed.
- A record of the system changes has been prepared and approved.
Posted by
4/28/2012 04:33:00 PM
Labels: Application, Data, Defects, Entry, Errors, Exit, Functions, Methodology, Parallel testing, Production Verification testing, Simulation, Software Development Methodology, STLC, User Acceptance, Verification, Verify
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Friday, April 27, 2012
What kinds of people are involved in software testing?
- Developer: A developer as the name suggests is
responsible for taking care of all the development activities like:
- Data architect or Data Modeler: Data architect
is responsible for taking care of the management of all the issues
regarding the architecture and build of the software system or
- Senior Developer or System Tester: A team
consists of more than one senior developers or system testers and they are
responsible for taking care of the actual software testing of the software
system or application. They share some responsibilities with the
- Data base Administrator: They share the
responsibilities of the following tasks:
- Integration Tester or Senior ETL Designer: They are responsible for:
- Quality assurance people
- QA software tester
- User acceptance tester
- Release manager
- Production support specialists
Posted by
4/27/2012 11:36:00 PM
Labels: Bugs, Code, Data, Data architect, Database administrator, Defects, Developer, Errors, ETL designer, Integration tester, QA Tester, SDLC, Software testing, STLC, System Tester, Test Manager, Test Plan, Testers
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What is meant by correct filtering of user input?
About Filtering of User Input
- Logical
filtering: It involves a strong and stringent analysis of the input data,
checking for the correctness of the formats and the expected type is
returned if the data passes the test.
- Sanitizing
filtering: It involves determining whether or not to allow certain
characters in a string. The data format is really not cared about in this
type of filtering and a string is always returned.
How can filters be useful?
Posted by
4/27/2012 01:35:00 PM
Labels: Advantages, Application, Data, Data Filtering, Filters, Functions, Input, Interface, Languages, Logical, Modules, Risks, Security, Software Systems, Software testing, Tasks, Useful, Users, Variables, Web form
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
What is a testing framework? What are different unit testing frameworks?
What is a testing framework?
Types of Testing Frameworks
- Linear testing framework: This is commonly used for the code that is procedure oriented and is generated by the tools using techniques such as recording and playback.
- Structured
testing framework: This testing frame work is composed of the control
structures and hence got the name. It is constituted by control structures
such as switch, while, for, if-else condition statement etc.
- Data driven
testing framework: This testing
frame work involves persisting of the data outside a test in either a
spreadsheet or a database.
- Key word
driven testing framework
- Hybrid testing framework: This type of frame work is the resultant of the combination of two or more types of above mentioned testing frame works.
What does testing framework account for?
- Definition
of the format so that the expectations can be expressed.
- Creation of
a mechanism for driving or hooking an application that is under test.
- Execution
of the tests.
- Reporting
of the results.
Posted by
4/26/2012 11:50:00 PM
Labels: Application, Approach, Assumptions, Automated, Concepts, Control, Cost, Development, Efficiency, Environment, Frameworks, Object Oriented, Software System, Test cases, Testers, Testing Framework, Time, Tools, Types
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Explain Test plan, Test Strategy and Test Scenario?
2. Test Strategy
3. Test Scenario
Posted by
4/26/2012 01:52:00 PM
Labels: Application, Approach, Complex, Components, Criterion, Development, Entry, Exit, Outline, Requirements, Software testing, Specifications, Tasks, Test Plan, Test Scenario, Test Strategy, Testers, Tests, Work flow
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