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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What are key technologies supported by Maveryx? - Part 2

In this part of the article we shall discuss about the remaining 3 key technologies of the Maveryx automated testing tool:

5. Extensibility: 
- The plug–in system of the Maveryx is quite extensible.
- It can be made richer by customizing. 
- Maveryx allows the users to customize the default functionality and other specific desired capabilities using individual plug – ins.
- A number of plug–ins for a number of reasons are supported by the Maveryx tool. 
- Few of those reasons have been listed below:
a) For adding support dedicated to the complex as well as custom GUI controls.
b)  For adding test actions such as APIs that are proprietary.
c)  For adding new algorithms for matching.
d) For integrating the maveryx with a number of other tools like bug tracking tools, SCM tools and so on.
- Maveryx has got it all: the reliable and easy to use testing environment and intuitive testing functionality to help you create the best test project. 
- Maveryx holds a collection of powerful but easy to use java APIs that help in creating better regression and functional test cases. 
- Since Maveryx is an open source tool so you have the power of modifying it or extending it any way to fit your requirements. 
- Plug–ins are the things that help you in this regard. 
- They can be installed and removed at any times. 
- Maveryx has been designed so as to allow the mechanisms and hooks that help in enhancing the frame work without calling for any major changes in the infrastructure of the system. 
- Extensions can be made in either of the two ways:
Ø  By adding a new functionality or
Ø  By modifying an existing one
- Programming interface is another thing that helps with the extension of the maveryx tool. 
- By installing core plug–ins, you enhance the capabilities of the Maveryx making it to adapt your specific requirements or your organization’s specific requirements. 
- Customizing Maveryx increases its functionality and increases the speed of the testing process.

6. Eclipse plug–in
- Maveryx comes with a separate plug – in for the eclipse tool. 
- It consists of the software tools that can be deployed to make use of the java eclipse IDE, thus granting the developers and software testers with an ability of designing, building and executing the automated test scripts using the Maveryx testing tool.
- This plug–in provides assistance to the software testers who are using Maveryx in the creation of the new test classes for test projects and generation of the java code via Maveryx’s frame work.

7. Test Reporting
- When you execute a test case, you do not have to worry about generating the metrics. 
- Maveryx does it all for you through its test reporting key technology. 
- It automatically generates the metrics. 
- Plus, it also puts all the detailed reports at your fingertips.
- The results of the tests execution are also displayed automatically. 
- Actually, all this is done in coordination with the eclipse plug–in.
- The plug–in in turn makes use of a number of Maveryx’s reporting features for the creation of the reports and live charts during the execution process of the tests.
- The plug–in only creates the finalized test reports that give an explanation regarding the results of the tests through visual aids such as charts, tables, statistics and so on.

The maveryx software testing tool has got a number of other features such as:
- Test logging capabilities
- Automated verification points
- Multi – application testing
- Distributed application testing
- Error handling feature that is customizable
- Multilingual testing
- Keywords

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