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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Explain TestOptimal - Web Functional/Regression Test Tool

About TestOptimal Testing Tool

- TestOptimal provides a convenient way for the functional/ regression/ load/ stress testing of the web–based applications in an automated way. 
- It also works for the java applications. 
- The technology behind the TestOptimal testing tool is the MBT or model based testing and some mathematical optimization techniques. 
- It generates as well as executes the test cases directly from the model of the application. 
- Actually, TestOptimal is itself a web – based application. 
- It has facilities for integrating it with the JUnit. 
- Furthermore, it can be run along with the NetBeans and Eclipse.
- Another striking feature of TestOptimal apart from the technology is that it uses is the application modeling with graphs.
- Example of such graphs are the state chart XML or in short SCXML. 
- These charts have drag and drop user interface that are capable of running  on  the standard browsers. 
- TestOptimal has a number of test sequencers that effectively meet the testing needs of different users. 
- Mscript or java is used for the automation of the tests i.e., the XML – based scripting. 
-TestOptimal provides statistical analysis of the virtual users and test executions required for load testing. 
- TestOptimal can be integrated with other tools such as QTP, quality center etc. with the help of its web service interface. 
- TestOptimal supports multiple browsers on a number of platforms such as Unix, Linux and Windows.
- The following constitute this model – based test automation suite for load and performance testing:
  1. Test optimal basic MBT
  2. proMBT
  3. enterprise MBT
  4. runtime MBT
- Model based testing and DDT (data driven testing) are combined together by the TestOptimal so as to provide a sophisticated and efficient test automation and test case generation tool. 
- With MBT, one can find the defects in the early stages of the development cycle, thus enabling a quick and efficient response. 
- TestOptimal animates the test execution that provides the user with an insight in to the testing. 
- This also enables the user to validate the model visually. 
- It also lets you track the requirement coverage.
-The test cases can be visualized with the help of various graphs. 
- For achieving the desired test coverage, there are a number of algorithms capable of generating requires test sequences. 
- The same automation scripts and models can be re–purposed if the user wants to perform load and performance testing.
- TestOptimal helps you cut down the length of the development cycle and at the same time achieving desired test coverage. 
- This in turn improves you response to the frequent changes and makes you confident about your software.
- With TestOptimal, it is sure that over 90 percent of your coverage requirements will be met and release turnaround time will be improved. 

Features of TestOptimal

Below we state some unique features of this excellent testing tool:
  1. Finite state machine notation via MBT modeling.
  2. Superstate and sub-model: With this feature a larger model can be partitioned in to smaller library components that are reusable.
  3. Graphs: It provides various graphs such as the MSC (message sequence chart), coverage graph, model graph, sequence graphs and so on.
  4. Model import and merge: It offers various modeling formats based up on XML and UML XMI such as the graphML, graphXML and so on.
  5. Test case generation: It comes with many sequencers such as the optimal sequencer, custom test case sequencer, random walk and so on.
  6. Scriptless data driven testing
  7. Scripting offered in mscript and java.
  8. ODBC/ JDBC support: Relational databases can be accessed and operations such as reading, writing, storing and verifying test results can be performed.
  9. Integration with REST websvc, JUnit, java IDE specifically netbeans and eclipse, remote agents and so on.
  10. Cross browser testing support on browsers such as chrome, IE, opera, firefox and safari.

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