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Monday, June 18, 2012

How is data understood through reverse engineering?

Reverse engineering forms an internal part of the whole software re- engineering process. To implement the reverse engineering properly in the re- engineering process one needs to understand the data through the reverse engineering.
In this article we have taken up the same topic i.e., “how is data understood through reverse engineering?” 
- When the reverse engineering is carried out, the main objective is always to recover the designs and specifications of the software system or application.
- With reverse engineering, the development is only understood and no changes are made to the software system or application. 
- For the reverse engineering process, the source of the software system or application is fed as the input. 
- If you go through the history of the reverse engineering, you will find some cases where the executable code is given as input for the reverse engineering process. 
- The reverse engineering though being in a great contrast with the re- engineering forms an internal part of it. 
- Reverse engineering serves the purpose of recovering system design and specifications in the software re- engineering process model. 
- These recovered designs and specifications are used by the engineers to understand the software system or application before they start re- organizing the whole structure.
However, there have been cases in which the reverse engineering is not always followed by the re- engineering process. 
- There are three stages in reverse engineering process.
 1. System to be re- engineered is subjected to automated analysis.
 2. Then it is manually annotated.
 3. With the system information obtained, a whole set of new documentation is generated containing:
(a)  Program structure diagrams
(b)  Data structure diagrams and
(c)   Traceability matrices.

Activities in Reverse engineering

In reverse engineering the data is understood by the 3 basic activities that involved intense understanding efforts:
1. Understanding process: In order to understand the procedural abstractions as well as functionality analyze the source code on the level:
(a)  System
(b)  Program
(c)   Component
(d)  Statement and
(e)  Pattern

2. Understanding data: It analyzes the internal data structures and data base structure.
3. User interfaces: It analyzes the basic actions processed by the interface, system’s behavioral response to those actions and equivalency of the interfaces.

More about reverse engineering....
- The beginning of the reverse engineering process is marked with an analysis phase in which the analyzation is carried out with the help of automated tools in order to discover the structure of the software system or application. 
- But this stage itself does not suffice the purpose of recovering the whole structure. 
Engineers then have to work on the program code and model and add the recovered information to this.
- The recovered information is maintained in form of a directed graph. 
- The engineers always make it a point to link the directed graph to the source code. 
- The directed graphs are compared with the code with the help of the information browser stores. 
- This graph helps in generating trace ability matrices and the data structures. 
- Tools that are used make it easy to navigate through the code. 
- After the complete generation of the design documentation, the information store is supplied with the additional information as a measure to re create the specifications systems. 

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