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Monday, June 11, 2012

Explain BPR model? What are steps involved in BPR model?

BPR or business process re- engineering model is the model that is being used by many of the organizations of today’s software world for analysing and designing their processes and work flows! 
In this article we have discussed about this business process re- engineering model in detail. 

The model works on the principle that the business processes are a set of logically related tasks that aim at working together towards a defined business goal. This model has been deployed by many management systems like:
  1. Information systems management
  2. Supply chain management
  3. Group ware systems
  4. Human resource management systems
  5. Enterprise resource planning etc.

Phases of BPR model

The business process re- engineering model involves a cyclic process consisting of four main phases:
  1. Identification of the processes
  2. Review and updating and analysis
  3. Design to be
  4. Testing and implementation to be
Implementation of the business process engineering requires that you implement an HPO or high performing organization. It should be kept in mind BPR is an organizational method that redesigns an organization’s process in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and economy. 

Few of the activities that are undertaken in BPR are:
  1. Activity based costing analysis
  2. Business case analysis
  3. Industrial engineering techniques
  4. Productivity assessment
  5. Human capital tools
  6. Base lining and bench-marking studies
  7. Functionality assessment
  8. Organization analysis
  9. Work force analysis

Steps in Implementation of BPR model

Now we shall what all steps are involved in the implementation of this business process re- engineering model!

1. Establishment of BPR and HPO project plan: 
In this step the reason for the BPR nomination is justified and the organization states the objectives of the BPR. The employees and activities that will be affected are identified. The customers and the stakeholders that will take effects by the impact of the BPR are also identified. The available contractor support is also identified. The organization then needs to describe the outcomes like metrics, business and human capital.

2. Preliminary planning: 
It involves identification and assignment of the MSO development team members (MSO stands for most sustainable organization), development of the action plan with check points and milestones, development of the communication plans, and establishment of the data analysis requirements and collection methods.

3. Development of the business case: 
This step involves the implementation of the AS- IS analysis of the organization, development of the MSO to be, measuring the gaps between the actual and the “to be” organizations and the development of the transition plans.

4. Implementation of the business case: 
This step involves the identification and assignment of the most sustainable organization implementation team members, establishment of the letter of obligation between MSO activity manager and agency head and the initiation of the transition to the MSO.

5. Tracking and validation of the MSO performance: 
It involves usage of the identified metrics in the measurement of the:
 (i)  Closing skills
(ii)  Competency gaps
(iii)Closing performance gaps
(iv) Improving timeliness and quality
(v)   Achieving savings and so on.

This whole process is driven by two teams namely:
1.Development team: 
It develops the MSO and includes functional experts, personnel specialists etc.

2. Implementation team: 
It implements the MSO and includes development team members and employees who will work in MSO.

3. Other people involved in the business process re- engineering are
- Acquisition officer: participates in the BPR efforts.
- MSO activity manager
- Human resource advisor
- Human capital officer
- General officer
- Budget officer
- Support contractor and so on.

Re-engineering involves fundamental re- thinking towards achieving the improvements in performance and speed. 

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