Thursday, May 31, 2012
What is an Agile Process?
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5/31/2012 11:55:00 PM
Labels: activities, Agile, Agile Methodology, Agile Process, Changes, Coding, Design, Development, Elements, Features, Framework, Iterations, Manifesto, Planning, Principles, Requirements, Software, Team work, Unit Testing
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What are the differences between waterfall, spiral, iterative and scrum processes?
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5/31/2012 03:15:00 PM
Labels: Agile, Approaches, Characteristics, Design, Differences, Errors, Faults, Implementation, Iterative and Incremental Model, Phases, Prototypes, Scrum, Software Development process, Spiral model, Waterfall model
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Explain the concepts of URL manipulation?
Components of URL
- The scheme name which is usually a protocol.
- The scheme is followed by a colon
- Two slashes
- Name of the domain (if any depending on the
- A port number
- CGI (common gateway scripts) scripts
- Query string
- Fragment identifier (optional)
Categories of URL
What is meant by URL Manipulation?
What is URL Poisoning?
Posted by
5/30/2012 11:55:00 PM
Labels: Categories, Characters, Components, Domain, files, Internet, Parameters, Protocol, Resources, Server, Strings, Technique, Uniform Resource Locator, URL, URL Manipulation, Web pages, Website
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What is a Unified Process? What are key practices and guidelines for unified process?
- Unified process is actually the short name for the USDP or the unified software development process.
- This software development process has recently emerged as a very popular incremental and iterative software development process frame work.
- There are some methodologies defined under the category of the unified process and the one that is most commonly implemented and extensively documented in the rational unified process known as RUP in the abbreviated form.
- The concept of the unified process is very vast and it cannot be merely called as only a process! Rather it can be thought of as an extensible frame work which is customizable according to the needs of the software project or the specific organizations.
- Concluding from this, the rational unified process can also be called a customizable frame work.
However the name “unified process” in quite opposing to the rational unified process generally marks the generic processes that include the elements that hold common for most of the refinements.
In addition to this this name also avoids the potential issues of the trade mark infringement that arise since the RUP and the rational unified process are the trademarks of the IBM.
The unified process was first mentioned and described in detail in a book by Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh and Grady Booch called “the unified software development process” in the year of 1999.
Six Practices of Unified Process
- Development of the software in
iterations: Increases understanding of the problem through successive
refinements. An effective solution is achieved over several increments.
- Management of requirements: Involves elicitation, organization and documentation of the required
constraints and functionalities, trade offs and so on.
- Implementation of component based
architectures: A robust executable architecture is subjected to baselining
first and then resources are deployed for full scale development. Promotes
resiliency of the architecture.
- Visual modelling of the software: This practice helps capture the behaviour of the architectural components
of the software system.
- Verification of the software
quality: Poor reliability and poor performance are the factors that weigh
down the quality of the software system or application. This practice
reviews the software quality.
- Controlling changes that are to be made in the software: This practice ensures that the changes to be incorporated are acceptable and won’t hamper the performance.
- Figure out the major risks early
and regularly or they will hamper the performance of your software system.
- Ensure the value that you are
going to deliver to your customer.
Posted by
5/30/2012 01:59:00 PM
Labels: Application, Characteristics, Framework, Guidelines, Incremental, Iterative, Organization, Practices, Process, Refinement, Risks, Software Development process, Software System, Unified Process, UP
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
When should Extreme Programming be used?
How Extreme Programming improves the quality of software?
When the Extreme Programming should be used?
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5/29/2012 11:55:00 PM
Labels: Agile, Agile Methodology, Application, Code, Coding, Designing, Elements, Extreme Programming, Incremental, Iterative, managing, Planning, Programming, Quality, Software, Software System, Testing, Tests, Values, XP
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What are the elements and rules of extreme programming?
Elements of the Extreme Programming
- Programming in pairs
- Extensive code reviews
- Subjecting the code to unit testing
- Pair negotiation
- Avoiding programming the features that are presently not required
by the software system or application.
- Stand up meetings
- Acceptance tests
- Flat management structure
- Iteration plan
- Simplicity of the code
- Clarity of the code
- Release planning
- Expecting changes in the requirements of the customers and clients.
- Frequent and effective communication among all the stake holders
and the customers.
- Unstable requirements
- Non documented compromises of the user conflicts
- Lack of an overall documentation or specification
Rules of Extreme Programming
- Planning
- Managing
- Designing
- Coding and
- Testing
- Rules of engagement: Rules under this category are known to dictate
the environment in which the software development is carried out
- Rules of play: Rules under this category are meant for defining all
the activities whether be minor or major and rules that define the frame
work for the development of the software under the rules of engagement.
Posted by
5/29/2012 02:52:00 PM
Labels: Agile, Agile Methodology, Application, Code, Coding, Designing, Elements, Extreme Programming, Incremental, Iterative, managing, Planning, Programming, Quality, Software, Software System, Testing, Tests, Values, XP
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