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Friday, November 16, 2012

How do you define and view requirements in Test Director?

Test director is currently available as a plug in or add – on as a support for HP quality center and works like a test management tool. The earlier versions of the test director i.e., version 6 and below worked as stand-alone desk top applications.
However, the next version i.e., the test director 7 was a standalone web application and was known to work on any of the browsers that happened to be supporting active technology. For all the testers world wide it has been easy to integrate with the other mercury interactive tools via test director.

Three facts regarding test director:
  1. This tool is not going to work out for the collection of the requirements of a software system or application.
  2. It is not an automated testing tool.
  3. It cannot be integrated with the products save mercury interactive products.
Test director comes with four specific modules namely:
  1. Requirements module
  2. Test plan module
  3. Test lab module and
  4. Defects module

How can we define and view requirements in the test director?

- This is done using the requirements module. 
- In every test management process, specification of the requirements is the first important step. 
- It involves analyzation of the software system or application under test and determination of the requirements of testing that application.
- Requirements analysis somewhat helps in carrying out the coverage analysis. - The following tasks are involved:
  1. Addition of new requirements or editing of the previously added ones.
  2. Addition and editing of the child requirements.
  3. Linking of the requirements to the associated defects.
  4. Analyzation of the coverage.
- The requirements analyzation phase follows through the below mentioned steps:
  1. Defining the scope: The scope of the requirements includes test goals and objectives and can be determined using the requirements documentation.
  2. Creation of the requirements: A requirements tree needs to be built so that all of the testing requirements can be defined.
  3. Providing details for the requirements: Detailing involves adding attachments, assigning priority levels to all the requirements if required for testing.
  4. Analyzation of the requirements: This phase involves generation of the reports consisting of the graphs to provide an assistance in the analyzation of the testing requirements.

Steps for Defining Requirements

Follow the below mentioned steps for defining the requirements:
  1. Launch the test director demo project. You will require to log on to the project if in case the project is not open.
  2. Now clicking on the requirements tab will display the requirements module or the requirements tree.
  3. One thing that you need to be sure of is that the document view of the requirements is also displayed.
  4. Click on the new requirement option which will open the new requirement dialog box. Fill in the details and hit OK.
  5. Click new child requirement button for adding a requirement as a lower level of hierarchy.

Steps for Viewing Requirements

For viewing the requirements follow the below mentioned steps:
  1. First step is making sure that the requirements module is displayed and if not click on the requirements and turn on the document view of the requirements tree.
  2. You can zoom in as well as zoom out of the requirements tree using the zoom in and zoom out buttons.
  3. In some cases you may require to view the numeration of requirements. 
  4. To view numerations go to view menu and click on the numeration option. If you make any changes in the requirements the same is updated by the test director and numerations are renumbered. 

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