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Saturday, October 13, 2012

What are file types used in Silk Test?

Silk test consists of many file types which have been discussed in this article. There are various types of files that are used by the silk test in the process of automation testing. 
Each of the files is used for a specific purpose or we can say function such as certain files are required by the silk test for the creation and execution of the tests. 
Now we shall discuss the different file types available one by one:

  1. Test plan (.pln): This file type in silk test facilitates the creation of the test suites. But the test suites can be created lonely if this file type is combined with the test scripts.
          Script: test.t
          Test case: one
          Script: test.t
          Test case: second
Here in the above example the main test script file is test. t. on the other hand the ‘one’ and the ‘second’ are the names of the test cases in the main script file test.t. Whenever this file type is run the test cases one and second are automatically picked up by the main script file and executed.
  1. Test script (.t): This file type in the silk test is used while writing the actual test scripts. Whenever such a file is in run session the test one and test two test cases are executed by it in a predefined order and at the end the note pad application is closed.
  2. Frame file (.inc): The windows and the controls present in the AUT or application under test are defined by an abstraction layer. These windows as well as the controls are referenced later in .t files.
  3. Result file (.res): This file type consists of all the test run results which have the names of all the passed as well as failed tests along with their suitable descriptions. These file types may or may not contain log messages.
Leaving out the result file (.res) type, almost all the other file types are based up on text. Therefore, the editing of all those files can be edited either using the silk test IDE or by using a text editor.
In the silk test version that was released in the year of 2006, the files can be saved in either of the two formats namely:
  1. ANSI format or
  2. The UTF – 8 format
  1. Project (.vtp): This file type is saved with an extension of 'verify test project' and is used as storage for the locations as well as the names of the files that are currently in use by some project. With this file type there is another associated file type .ini extension since it is an initialization file.
  2. Data driven script (.g.t): This file type stores the data driven test cases which are use to pull out data from the data bases.
  3. Suite (.s): With the help of this file type the sequential execution of several test scripts is possible.  
  4. Text file (.txt): This is an ascii file type and can be used for the following purposes:
a)   For storing a data that can be used for driving a test.
b)   For printing a file in some another document.
c)   The test automation file is accompanied by this file type as a read me file.
d)   For transformation of a tab delimited plan in to a silk test plan.

Entire above discussed source files are compiled and stored as the ‘pseudo code object files’ at either of the times:
  1. When the files are loaded or
  2. When any change has occurred in the file types. 

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