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Friday, August 3, 2012

What is a Load Test Results Summary Report?

Load testing is one of the most important testing that is carried out under performance testing and involves putting demands or load on the software system or application in order to measure its response and also the quality of response. 

About Load Testing

1.Load testing forms a very convenient means for determining the behavior of the software system or application under question and under both normal as well as peak conditions. 
2.Load testing helps a lot regarding the identification of the maximum operating capacity of the software system or application plus the identification of elements which are causing degradation of the software system.
3.Load testing becomes stress testing when the load is raised above the normal usage patterns. 
4.The load is raised to such limits where the probability of expecting the errors is quite high.
5.There exists no boundary between the transition of the load testing in to stress testing. 
6.The goals of the load testing are still not so specific.
7.Load testing is actually categorized under non functional testing. 
8.Load testing involves the practice in which the expected usage of the software system or application is modeled by simulating the multiple users using the application concurrently.

About Load Test Result Summary Report

1. A good load testing report says much about the software system or application.
2. A good report is always presentable to the customer as well as the manager.
3. A load test results summary report is simply a cut short and modified version of the original load testing reports. 
4. The original load testing reports are quite lengthy and difficult to understand for a customer. Therefore, a summary of this report is prepared which is short enough and simple to understand. 
5. You cannot expect your customer to go through the whole bulky report rather you need to provide them with a glimpse of everything. 
6. A load test results summary report serves all these purposes. 

Elements of Load Test Summary Report

1. Load test goals: 
A load test differs from functional tests in the way that a load test cannot fail or pass without the inclusion of any extra conditions. We mean to say that you cannot test a software system or application stands a load in general rather you test it against some specific load having specific performance parameters.

2. Technical description of the test goals: 
Once you know what your goals are, the requirements need to be formalized and transformed in to a technical description that you can apply to the load testing tool. You need to define aspects like:
a)   Type of load to be given to the software system or application,
b)   Number of virtual users to be employed in every test phase.
c)   Acceptable response time and so on.

     3. Realistic emulation of the virtual users: 
    Most important element of the load test results summary report.  This section lays down the division of the all potential real users of the software system or application in to a number of different types based on their expected behavior. The special script developed for every user is also mentioned alongside. In addition to this the user sessions are also mentioned.

     4. Execution of the test: 
     It mentions what all tests were executed and with what load. 
     5. Analyzation of the test results:  
    It includes the result of the test whether pass or fail and valuable information obtained from the tests. It also mentions the following:
    a)   Number of errors
    b)   Response times 
    c)   Number of sessions or requests per second and so on.

    6. Problems and improvement suggestions. 

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