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Monday, July 25, 2011

Designing Conventional Components- Graphical Design Notation and Tabular Design Notation

A set of constrained logical constructs that emphasize on maintenance of functional domain are used for designing conventional components. These logical constructs are sequence, condition, and repetition. Structured programming is a design technique that constrains logic flow to three constructs: sequence, condition, and repetition. These structured constructs help in reducing the complexity of the program and enhances readability, test ability and maintainability.

- Activity diagram is a descendant of flowchart in which all elements of structured programming are represented.
- In a flowchart, each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step.
- Structured programming constructs should make it easier to understand the design. If unnecessary complexity is introduced by using them without violation, it is better ti violate them.
- Dogmatic use of structured constructs introduces inefficiency.

- Decision tables translates actions and conditions into a tabular form.
- A decision table is used when a complex set of conditions and actions are encountered within a component.
- Decision table is divided into four quadrants. Upper left quadrant lists all conditions. Lower left quadrant lists all actions. Right hand quadrants form a matrix indicating condition combinations and corresponding actions

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